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CT4/2015: Diagnosis of road visibility with point clouds obtained using LiDAR systems

Plataforma Tecnológica Española de la Carretera PTCarretera


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In this paper, we present an approach for the automatic analysis of visibility in road sections using 3D point clouds. The methodology is based on a "ray-tracing" algorithm which is complemented by an occlusion detection to identify the obstacles between the driver of a vehicle driving on that road and the position in which a pedestrian or a cyclist are. As a result, a 3D polygon is obtained and projected onto the road surface to represent the area of visibility at each of the driver's positions.

The methodology uses point clouds obtained from mobile LiDAR systems installed on the roof of a van. At the same time that the result of the visibility analysis is verified, the parameter value is improved so that the area obtained is as realistic as possible and the process is robust.


The methodology presented has been tested in eight case studies; all of them corresponding to road areas in Galicia, a region in southwest Spain, including a couple of cases in urban environments that present a more difficult behavior to study through the methodology proposed. The proposed algorithm seems to give coherent results for certain conditions. The area of visibility obtained by the methodology used is precise in the case where the environment shows dense and continuous vegetation or mountains and walls that border the study area. In the rest of the case studies, the area within the stretch of roadway seems to be coherent but the interpretation of the surrounding areas is more complicated, so the idea is to work on a better algorithm that obtains better results in this type of cases.

Visibility point cloud mobile laser scanner road safety

The Spanish Road Technology Platform (PTC), is a meeting forum for all Science-Technology-Enterprise stakeholders with a significant role in the promotion of employment, competitiveness and growth of Spanish road infrastructures.

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