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21st International Civil Engineering Symposium ITESO


12 Mar



Start time: 9:15       End time: 18:00 View complete schedule    Local time: Mexico_City


International Civil Engineering Symposium ITESO

21st Edition

An event of international stature, coordinated by students, aimed to the civil engineering sector as a whole: 8 national and international conferences, on-site visits, workshops and book presentations related to civil engineering.

The first edition of this event took place back in 1996 when the Human Development and Habitat Department (DHDU, in Spanish) and the student's committee joined efforts to organize an event that could bring together key speakers from all over the world and promote interaction between professionals and entrepreneurs.

During the last 21 years, the Symposium has managed to grow both in attendance and quality, as it has the privilege of involving distinguished national and international speakers. Its content is diverse and includes topics such as structural engineering, seismic engineering, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, architecture and, in general, topics focused on responsible construction and technological innovation.

SIIC engineering civil ITESO Mexico Guadalajara 2020 construction architecture

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