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XX International Civil Engineering Symposium ITESO


18 Mar



Start time: 9:30       End time: 19:00    Local time: Mexico_City


The very first edition of the International Civil Engineering Symposium ITESO took place in 1996, when the Habitat and urban development department (DHDU) and the student committee at the time decided to join forces to organise an event to bring together key speakers from all over the world and promote coexistence between technicians and entrepreneurs.

During almost 20 years, the Symposium has grown in attendance and quality, as it has the privilege of involving distinguished national and international speakers. The topics covered in the past 19 editions have been varied, including structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, architecture and, in general, issues focused on responsible construction and technological innovation.


ITESO Civil Engineering SIIC Guadalajara Mexico Roads Bridges

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