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Asociación Asefma


ASEFMA is the Spanish association of manufacturers of asphalt mixtures.

Among ASEFMA’s members are both companies dedicated to the manufacture and application of asphalt mixtures for road surfaces, adhered members, who supply bitumen and machinery related to any of the production and application processes, control and research companies and any organisation associated with project stages, construction and maintenance of highways, urban roads, airport runways and any other kind of activity associated with asphalt mixes.

ASEFMA has the following key objectives, along with sustainability and environmental preservation:

•    Promote asphalt pavements by disseminating their technical advantages and use.
•    Encourage research and implementation of new technologies.
•    Cooperate in the drafting of standards for manufacture, application and quality control.
•    Draw up market research.
•    Maintain international relationships with research centres, other associations, congresses, …
•    Represent the interests of its members.
•    Collaborate with public or private establishments on matters of mutual concern.
•    Mediate issues that may arise among members.

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