
La III Jornada de conservación de pavimentos urbanos sextuplica el alcance de la anterior edición

The conference of urban pavement that took place last October the 22nd, 2015 in Malaga was streamed via Itafec and increases the impact on social networks sixfold on Twitter compared to the previous edition. The conference taking place in 2014 was streamed online by Itafec and generated an impact of 838.010 impressions online during the day of the event. In this occasion, the hashtag #ConservaciónMálaga has achieved 5.270.760 impressions.

Such number was achieved thanks to the collaboration of 78 participants that sent 1.143 tweets that day according the data offered by Tweet-tag. Such tool of online analytics has offered more relevant information about the interaction index: 851 retweets, 579 favorites and 19 conversations and waves of online activity.

In this last aspect, the peaks of most activity during the conference came during the round table debate concerning new techniques of conservation and moderated by the counselor of Eiffage Infrastructures Eduardo Fernández Bustillo. We had interventions by Borja Carabante, Madridian town councillor; Angel Sampedro, professor; Miguel Ángel Soler, Malaga’s city council boss of roads conservation and Juan José Potti, CEO of Asefma.

The second peak of the conference came during the debate concerning the “perception of roads conservation by the road user”. It was coordinated by Luis Carlos Ramírez, journalist; and in it got involved Manuel Castillo, director of Canal Sur; Mario Arnaldo, president of the Associated European Drivers; Javier Perez, boss of the infrastructure and architecture department in the city council of Malaga and María Huelin, director of the Municipal District of Puerto de la Torre in the city council of Malaga

Out of all messages emitted via Twitter with the hashtag #ConservaciónMalaga, the most featured was the one by Jorge A. Moreno, engineer (@lavoragine135). I quote: “The budget for conservation ought to be apolitical and non-negotiable”. It obtained 12 retweets and 6 participants in the debate marked the tweet as Favourite.

As well, in the audiovisual category, the image tweeted by Francisco José Lucas, engineer (@curro_lucas) was the one with the highest number of interactions: 17 retweets and 5 favorites. In it we could see workers asphalting and announced that he would present a keynote on “Asphalt Mix for urban paving” in the next International Conference of Ibero-America, the XVIII CILA that will be streamed online by Itafec as well.

Regarding the most active users in the hastag #XJornadaAsefma, @itafec lead the debate with 207 tweets, followed by The Asphalt Mix Makers Spanish Association (@asefma_es) with 136 tweets and @licitacivil with 109 tweets.




#ConservaciónMálaga streaming pavements maintenance