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XV National Congress of Asefma

Sustainability, circular economy and waste management: asphalt milling material

30 Nov



Start time: 8:30       End time: 15:30    Local time: Madrid


This Congress offers the following two enrollment options: attendance as a spectator via online HD streaming display (as in previous years) for which prior registration on this website is required. However, there will also be a virtual world with booths, networking opportunities, a conference room, etc. The latter option is only available upon registration on "Virtual XV Jornada Nacional de Asefma", and creation of your own avatar.

The 2020 edition of the XV National Congress of Asefma will address the correct form to manage asphalt milling material. These materials, according to the current standards, correspond to a very specific EWC code, i.e. 17 03 02.

In many cases, each time asphalt milling material is addressed, it is based upon analysis or description of available recycling techniques. It still generates, without any doubt, a fascinating debate, and the available technical possibilities and experience gained are still growing.

More recently, the need to minimise the amount of waste generated by industrial activity was the principal focus. Besides, the term recycling, which has always stood for reclamation and sustainability, has given way to a more ambitious goal, i.e. reutilization. This implies no longer settling for use of this waste, but an attempt to use or reuse it for the same purpose it was created for. It is, without any doubt, a step further towards a circular economy.

The main goal of this National Congress will consist in analysing the best way to reuse asphalt milling material from the perspective of circular economy and the most adequate way to establish the end-of-waste status.

And all this taken into consideration the existing experience of the sector both on national and international level, the commitments and terms undertaken by the COP of Paris, new guidelines on mobility of our society and requirements resulting from environment and sustainability aspects.

During this XV National Congress the following three awards will be granted: for the Best Technical Paper 2020, the MPA 2020 Award (Best Environmental Practices, after the Spanish initials) and the “Asfaltero 4.0 2020” Award for the most active users during the Congress, in particular, for the most influential Twitter user.

For members of Asefma registration fee for online HD streaming display is 50 euros. This option is free for officials from road administrations and universities, upon prior notification to asefma@asefma.com.es. For non-members of Asefma registration fee is 100 euros upon prior enrollment via asefma@asefma.com.es.

Asefma XV Jornada milling 17 03 02 XVJornadaAsefma mixtures bituminous