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XI Asefma´s National Meeting

11 May



Start time: 09:00       End time: 15:00    Local time: Madrid


Emisión en streaming patrocinada por Eiffage infraestructuras S.A.

The XI Asefma's national Meeting puts the area, this year, in the social need that it represents for the citizens, the development of a suitable strategy of conservation of the thoroughfares: roads, highways, streets, etc... 

For the implied ones in this activity the discussion can focus from the point of view of the way of management most adapted to realize a correct conservation of the road surfaces of road and if this one must be preventive or curative, if the effort must link in conservation with the patrimonial value, if the contracts of integral conservation must be called by it this way or if the reinforcements of road surfaces must enter inside a category called " extraordinary conservation " 

Beyond the evident thing, to support the pavement in correct conditions sympathetic on the traffic of our vehicle and the minoration of the risk of having an accident, but also there are other many factors, already confirmed, that also concern the activity and the quality of life of all the citizens. 

In this XI Asefma's National Meeting there will be approached the impact of the condition of conservation of the pavement of our thoroughfares (routes of low intensity, town halls and routes of intense traffic) in relation by the road safety, by the consumption of fuel, by the noise generated between tire / pneumatic, by the emission of greenhouse gases or with the additional effort that produces in the drivers, etc … to reveal that the conservation of the thoroughfares is a social need.

Asefma jornada nacional mezcla bituminosa necesidad social carretera diputación itafec XIJornadaAsefma